

Working for Big Brother has and still is a great experience I would not trade for anything. Being watched by the whole of Africa is something so phenominal.

Basically I am like the new age lottery girl,I am that girl who does random nominations every Sunday for the like I kind of have the power to choose who leaves the house...lucky me LOL!

Its been a great experience,it might look small to you but i definately do not despise my small beginnings. I see all of this s a working progress.

Here is a clip that will show you a bit of what I do every Sunday night.

Love and lipgloss

Zambia trip

The Zambia trip was not only work but it completely changed my life and I am saying thank you to Jo-ann Strauss.

I went to Zambia for the Jo-Ann Strauss presenter search competition because I had made it to the top 4 and boy did I not have the time of my life, it was beyond magical. I learned a lot about the television industry and myself as a whole.
 Life changing is very big and that’s what happened to me.I realised that I am building block that fits into a much larger picture that will make this country work and I appreciate where I come from more. And I have also realised that life is too short for trivial things.

I appreciate the space that I am in mentally now because I now realize that self image goes way deeper than what lies on the surface and what people perceive of it and I am only as good as I am and my limitations are often self inflicted. There are many opportunities out there and they are waiting to be seized and only if you are positive and driven will you conquer and I honestly see wonders in me.
Jo-Ann and Bonang shared a whole lot of things and the most important thing about what they shared was MY take on it. And this was my take...

Friends are friends, some will be in your line of work..some will be completely out. It is certain attributes in a person that we look for and will attract us to them. It is always harder to have close friends that want the same thing as you, jealousy will always suffice because they will always be in a competition and there’s bound to be winners and losers and people do not always posses the necessary maturity to rise above certain failures in life. In fact, some people go through their lives competing so hard for the same things as their friends that they completely lose themselves. So with that being said,I am reviewing the relationships I have in my life,some I will need to cut and some I will need to grow and it is surely not a difficult thing to do.

I now know that I am capable of more and not afraid of challenging myself to greatness
Thank you to Jo-Ann for this AMAZING opportunity. I appreciate her so much and may God elevate her every being. I now know that I am not short of role models and mentors

Love and lipgloss