

So I had a moment to myself today and I have realised that, life is too short to be little. There is so much that one can do in this world and it is all about believing that you can succeed and if you do believe, you will, and please, there is nothing magical nor mystical about the power of belief because belief triggers the power to do.
Although I have moments where I am just on the verge of giving up, where life just takes its toll and it just starts to feel like a math exam I never got to write, but thankfully I am reminded by God everyday that, that’s how life is, because He does not take you TO where He cannot take you THROUGH.
All you have to do is just change your mindset, your mindset is your thought factory after all, it is like a busy factory producing  countless thoughts in one day. And in that brainwave of yours, there is Mr Triumph and Mr Defeat and do not ever ever listen to Mr Defeat! Because he will always convince you that you will fail.
So go out there, make your dreams come alive and do not ever feel as if you are inadequate and never underestimate your own intelligence. Do not sell yourself short. Concentrate on your assets and discover your superior talents.
And with God, you have all the success in the world.
Be brilliant.
Love and Lipgloss
**goes back to studying**

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